Look, a wild Josh has appeared. This is probably one of the best drawings I've ever done honestly even though it barely looks like him. It took me like two hours and it's smaller than my hand because I can't draw big pictures


Look, a wild Josh has appeared. This is probably one of the best drawings I've ever done honestly even though it barely looks like him. It took me like two hours and it's smaller than my hand because I can't draw big pictures

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I'm trying to draw the blurryface cover rn
do you want me to remix a picture?
yeah sure
I'm actually rly proud of it it's turned our so fad
sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging!!!!!!!
you're not bragging, don't worry, it looks great
thanks! this looks AWESOME!!!!! I suck at drawing people, so I'm going to stay OUT of that area of drawing
i am also awful at drawing people but I always want to draw them so I guess I just do it anyways. I especially can't draw noses for the life of me though so that's why they're always just lines
yeah, I have to agree, the nose is a bit rough, but the rest is AWESOME!!!!! seriously!!! I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, It actually Is genuinely great!!!
thank you! i've tried drawing real noses but i always make them too big so i just say "screw it" and draw line noses
it looks great! and don't worry, I can't draw big either
thank you!
it looks so amazing