Sweet thinggg🍒


Sweet thinggg🍒

10 33
hey i’m lorenzo ♡
im doing wonderful & how about you? also what a pretty name, beverly:)
you’re welcome & that is amazing to hear:) i honestly have no liking of my name, but thank you ♡ what are you up to darlin?
i am eating some food & listening to music as well, what song?:)
i occasionally listen to that song, it is very enjoyable ha:,). i am eating some Doritos, the spicy sweet chili kind & these kind are the absolute bomb.com
hey did i also mention you are very pretty ♡ ! :)
you’re my favorite already:), normally no one i meet likes that kind:,) i do love EDEN & Billie Eilish of course:))
you’re very welcome, bev ♡ :)
^ i just realized i spelled Billie’s name wrong in my caption:,(.
exactly, i love the chiller type of songs some artists make & khalid also makes amazon. music as well:)
good good thank you;) looks like i can trust you not to tell anybody for my mistake?!
hi i’m caitlin
thank you :,) yours as well - nice to meet you , how are you ?
we relate a lot i have notice aha, it’s very nice to find someone that likes the things i do:)) ♡
you down to do something, only if you want to?:,)
i’m good good ig, just came home from nightclub. nothing special .. what are you up to ?
oo sounds nice .. what are you gonna eat ? x
110% ? wowza ♡ !
i think i’ve never had grilled cheese i think i’ve had it once or twice idk but .. enjoy !
yes i do .. my favourite food is pizza x :,)
pizza is well good .. i think i like pepperoni pizza and cheese pizza too
hey I'm Myah
yeah sometimes i cook and bake with my mum, but my mum loves cooking on herself .. i used to cook at school
her own *
I'm good and you?
yes it is fun .. i love baking cakes and buns etc. aha x
no😂 I never do anything
hope to talk to you later or tomorrow, bev:)
emmy is very nice, thank you. i love it:))♡
enny* smdh
it's sucks because everyone else is having fun and everything
giGgLe is such a funny word aha:,)
did i 👀
oh wait i found it whooopps 👀 sorry :,(
nO i like ur company ! dont leave mwah :,(
pretty good:) & how about yours?
glad to hear:) ♡
hello I’m Lorenzo X
love the name
bev, such a nice name
hey im xavier