5.24.24•tap || new collage type…
hi guys!! not a theme change but trying something new 😭 SCHOOL IS DONE… how have you all been omg i barely come on here anymore :(( 🩷🩷


5.24.24•tap || new collage type… hi guys!! not a theme change but trying something new 😭 SCHOOL IS DONE… how have you all been omg i barely come on here anymore :(( 🩷🩷

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i’m doing okay!! hbu dear??
Omg loveee this style and how bright it it 🤩
Thank you!! I'm pretty good, how are you?
I love these new colors ahhhh!!!! I’m good, I just got back home from camping! wbu?
thank you so much!
I know i commented on this post and it must’ve not gone through, but this is so pretty!
Awesome! 🤩
WOW THIS IS GORGEOUS OMG!! i love this style ♡ how are you doing??
thank you so much aly!! i'm doing pretty good, i've been two weeks in scotland now & it was amazing - i rlly liked edinburgh & glasgow, these cities are so beautiful <33 how are you doing love?? & samee channing tatum in she's the man >>>💕
it was really fun! we were camping at the beach so it was soo pretty
nice! I’m probably gonna be like that too when school is out lol. do you have any summer plans?
yess you're right but i absolutely love it!! the color combination is so nice as well <3 but aly i hope you're doing better than "okay" soon, how is it going for you?? what have ou been doing lately by the way??💓💓
that’s nice lol! I dont really have any plans either 😆 so far I’ve just made a list of books I wanna read over the summer. do you have a favorite book?
Wow this is gorgeous, you're so talented!
Thank you so much, I'm doing well, kinda busy at the moment but my weekend was great 🤍
How have you been? <3
same alyyyyyy this is so cute the colors are so welll put together
Thank you ❤️
love everything abt this >>>
omg this is so cute !!!
reminds me so much of 2021 those videos on tiktok with the unsettling music and the backrooms lol ! 😭
HOW ARE YOU??? it’s been so long but i hope you’re doing well😭🩷
I don’t really have a favorite! I always say I’m gonna read but I don’t lol