i downloaded a sticker pack just to cover up my pimple if that isn't dedication idk what is


i downloaded a sticker pack just to cover up my pimple if that isn't dedication idk what is

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πŸ˜‚and thanks for helping Meg
ah you're welcome! i'm not always good at it but all i want to do while i have this app is help people out of their problems and make them happy. making people feel better honestly keeps me going πŸ’“πŸ’“
wow that's so nice and kind😊
I'm the friend she was talking about.. she's one of my best friends
ah i see! well don't feel bad for not feeling a certain way. πŸ’“πŸ’“ you're super kind and i'm glad she has a friend like you!
thank uπŸ’• I'm afraid I'll mess things up in a way and I don't wanna lose her
oh don't worry about that! billie liked me and i'm still getting over a crush and billie was really upset at first but we're even closer now. it'll work out! πŸ’“
ok thank uπŸ’•