Collage by Keelys_Princess


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Yeah, Kate. I really don't know where we're gonna go.
*Holds you*
I'm still thinking
K thanks.
*Holds your hand*
*Holds yours*
*Plays with your fingers*
Sorry for not posting that collage like you wanted me to.
It's alright
Do you have any idea where we're gonna go? Because I'm worrying.
It doesn't matter where we go, cause our true home is with each other❤️
:) <3
😊 😘
Princess, I'm scared.
idk where we're gonna go.
we'll find somewhere
I promise
*Hugs and doesn't let go*
*Hugs back*
*Smiles* Keely
*Kisses slowly for a long time*
Princess, I'm tired.
I'll let you sleep
My parents will yell at me if I sleep.
I need to do homework and stuff.
Just studying.
I don't study in school
I don't want to but my parents make me.
School is stressful
I agree.
Ily, Keely
Ily2, Kate.
Forever and ever
Yeah :)
Didn't you tell me that Kate wasn't your actual name?
In two years my name will be Kate
Cool- you're changing it?
What is it rn?
Kiara. I wanna change it cause there's too many people that has my name
Plus my name reminds me of my dad😔
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's alright😔
Are you still gonna call me Kate❤️
Of course <3
Btw, Princess, I found when I first introduced myself.
found what
The collage when I first talked to you.
I felt really depressed before you came into my.
When you said "Hi" you made me happy again, Keely I wanna be your wife
Princess, let's not talk about that, unless you want to.
I meant not to talk about your depression. Ily. Ilysm.
Ily2, Ilysm2
Princess, I asked if you knew someone on PicCollage named Jackie.
I don't remember
Oh well did you know her?
I really don't remember
Oh, that's okay.
I'm sorry I can't remember
It's okay :*
Anyways I had a lot of dreams over the weekend.
Everytime I dream up you its always either our wedding day, honeymoon, šex, and our daughters
I like to dream about us raising a family together
I want dreams like that. Usually I dream of you being in England with me.
Since I'm gonna get out of i school first, I'll live in England so I can be with you
*high school
<3 <3 Tysm.
Ywsm <3 <3
Lol ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
^_^ <3
Babe, what grade r u in
We don't use grades in England.
In America we do
I'm in the 10th grade, so I got two more years of school left
Lol, Kate I have like a little over a year.
415 days.
On my senior year at the end of school I'm gonna prank my least my favorite teacher
Lol :)
Baby, I gtg to my house now, I'll brb tomorrow, Ilysfm Keely
I'll tell you about the prank tomorrow, just remind me about it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ily2, Princess <3 Ilysm.