super amazing mega collab with these beauties! cooperfun11 didn't do it but it's okay she was supposed to she'll stay on here♡♡ I think this is my first mega collab wow! oh wait I did one w scmetimes (revoluhtion) and reflehctions once I forgot


super amazing mega collab with these beauties! cooperfun11 didn't do it but it's okay she was supposed to she'll stay on here♡♡ I think this is my first mega collab wow! oh wait I did one w scmetimes (revoluhtion) and reflehctions once I forgot

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Does anyone know if Dylan is still alive?
okay. and I'm not sure... I just came on and saw the post and I think I was too late. I am not sure if we his present with us on earth anymore... he may be in heaven now... and if he is he's with his mother. I just hope he isn't suffering anymore if he is gone but I wish he would've just talked to me more😔
MY PHONE IS FROZEN I THINK IT'S BROKEN IDK IF I CAN POST (on my iPod rn and I can't post on it)
good okay 💗 awww that sucks 😂
and wow fake fans much THT must annoy the shît out of you right???
ugh well you have us online friends 💁🏼😂
idk rn 😂💗 wby?
ooh I just read the caption😂 thanks💗