“You were my greatest disappointment, number four”

For how carefree and wild klaus seems to be he is probably the most “broken” out of all of them. He thinks he will always be a disappointment to his family, he lost someone he loves, and he cant stop se


“You were my greatest disappointment, number four” For how carefree and wild klaus seems to be he is probably the most “broken” out of all of them. He thinks he will always be a disappointment to his family, he lost someone he loves, and he cant stop se

21 0
(cont. self destructing)
I feel so bad for Klaus. He's precious and deserves to be loved and protected.
I love him. He needs everything in this WORLD
klaus is like old me when I was reeeeeeeallt self destructive oof,,,, I’d abuse anything I could but I never felt good
which is why he’s the best character because he overcomes so much
and makes us all cry in the process 😂