Why not? XD How is everyone? Guess what... DI's finally over! I just have to go to a celebration today after school and then it's over until next year! Comments have more details😂


Why not? XD How is everyone? Guess what... DI's finally over! I just have to go to a celebration today after school and then it's over until next year! Comments have more details😂

22 0
So this is my fourth year in DI, and I've been to state all four of those times. Don't get me wrong, I usually LOVE DI, but this year I was put on a team who really didn't care and wasn't that nice to each other XD this year we only made it to state because of default, definitely not because we were good😂
re; thanks
well other than getting jumped by boys the same boys made me feel well...uncomfortable
its ok ig
yes it should.
what's di
yes yes yes yes life
#FML (F*** My Life)
thx 😥
Gonna be honest.... I'm not brave enough 😂
thank you sm!💘😂
3kid_runaways are alive! Check their posts!