Agree or disagree? Why? Pls be respectful tho guys

Had an interesting conversation w 21 yr old swedish guy Anton Ekenberg and Heather about the complexities of religion. :)


Agree or disagree? Why? Pls be respectful tho guys Had an interesting conversation w 21 yr old swedish guy Anton Ekenberg and Heather about the complexities of religion. :)

23 1
hmmm i think theres two sides to it. in my experience i’ve questioned religion ( my family is catholic ) and i was always told that to question religion was an “ultimate sin” but i think a lot of people just want to believe in something. if there is nothing to believe in and no greater power that created us then why are we here? but also, why shouldn’t we be allowed to look past religion and think differently? Do you really need religion to know how to be a good person?
religion is definitely a complex and personal thing but i think the most important thing to remember is to to be a kind and selfless person no matter what your religion is
i’m Christian even though i haven’t been to church in a few years, and i believe that god put everyone hear for their own reason and we have to figure out our purpose to be happy, but we won’t be truly fulfilled until we make our way to heaven to be with Him and our loved ones. and questioning it is okay. i want to have a good relationship with God so bad and it’s a personally touchy subject for me as i’ve asked him for forgiveness of something very bad i have done and i ask him to help me escape from the pit i’m stuck in with it. i become angry at him a lot when i realize i have to do it myself, but really he is there the whole time helping. i really want to be baptized in September because September two years ago was when i did the really bad thing, so I want to cleanse that month and myself. i was sprinkled during confirmation in the sixth grade, but I want to be dunked and commit my whole self to him and him only.
sorry that’s long my dad used to be a youth pastor and was my youth pastor for three years before he got fired :(( i haven’t been to a church since and i want to soooo bad
it actually makes me sad that not a lot of people on here believe in God and I can’t talk to anyone about it or ask them to help me strengthen my relationship with Christ :(
I love that perspective @prettyrad ^^ and yes ryn that was such a good conversation and I’m rly glad we had it !! ngl it kinda made my day cos I feel like I can’t really talk that openly with a lot of people I know but it’s like y’all aren’t gonna judge me and so I felt okay sharing what I honestly believe ... thx for your input too and putting up with me lol
says you I love ur art
I pretty much agree,, I feel like religion tho like holds people back into thinking a doing new things and I’m catholic and always been and I do believe in god and things but I feel like people get held back from religion and they wait for something that might not ever come, I barely go to church but when I do I feel really calm and I really like it
and I get into arguments about religion with my mom, but the things is it was made for people to have their right answers that’s why there’s so many religions but I feel like other people need to understand if they believe in something it dosnt mean it’s a fact it’s just a belief and I always have doubts about my religion
I kinda agree on aspects of religion and how structural it is but I feel religion and spirituality are different things and that religion’s structure can sometimes be harmful to people like I don’t really love the church I’m at because it has a certain structure the entire service which is nice in some ways but theees only 15 minutes of preaching and the rest is structured reciting and singing and I hate that. it’s like????
it doesn’t make me feel anything. having my dad preach to me my whole life doesn’t help at all because we’ve had a multitude of family problems and hardships because of him so I feel uncomfortable when he preaches about righteous things. I believe in the doctrines of Christianity and how we must treat others in the world but I’m borderline agnostic and have been since 9th grade; I want to believe in God sincerely and I try to but I think my depression hinders that a lot. twenty one pilots is like my only real god connection that I feel that doesn’t make me uncomfortable and makes me feel sincere
ty !! same to you ;)
I totally agree with you. as much as I want to believe in a higher power and the afterlife, I can’t help but think that it was made up by people scared of what comes next. I definitely don’t believe in the whole do good and god will make your life good and all that because I’ve seen too many good people go through hardship they don’t deserve and so many terrible people get away with things