Comment If U Want Me To Make An Outfit 4 U!!!!!!!


Comment If U Want Me To Make An Outfit 4 U!!!!!!!

49 7
can I have one
what do u mean outfit?
yeah want one pl. same what is outfit supposed to mean?
Can I haz one? 🤗👍🏼
yes can I please have one?!
I'd like one plz!
sure, not too girly tho
me!! pls comment on my pic when u have mine
i would like one sure(black and blue)
me please
Hi, can you please make me an outfit? 🙏
yea can I please have one I will make one for you if you want gust tell me on my page and would you make it for dance practice if you can thx
Yes, please may I have one?
A black one please
if I can have one please may I have a red and blue outfit possibly?