Got her back and checking out of the hospital in two hours//Liz


Got her back and checking out of the hospital in two hours//Liz

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*dives to come see u
falls asleep
*arives at hospital and looks for u*
wakes up and holds the baby
*finds u and walks in slowly looking at u*
looks at you and smiles
*smiles back
I love you
*puts my arms out and sits in a chair beside u*
you want to hold her baby
hands her to you
*grabs her and holds her, smiling*
smiles and looks at you
*holds her close to me and introduces myself to her*
*laughs as she smiles
plays with your hair,I love you baby boy
*smiles,* I love u too
I love you more
*shakes my head* sure u do... *hands u the baby*
holds her and holds your hand
*smiles* she has ur eyes
she has your smile
*smiles wide and grabs ur hand* when r u ready to go home? u look bad..
I want to go home now but they probably won't let me go and I don't like hospitals at all
*pouts and gets on my phone*
lays back,I hate it here
I know u do baby. *grabs the baby and holds her*
I want to go home
baby just go to sleep and relax. u need to rest a little.
looks at you
*scoots u over and lays down w/ u and the baby*
kisses your lips softly and falls asleep
*holds ur hand*
*gets under the blanket and closes my eyes
wakes up to a nurse coming in
*stays asleep and doesn't notice
okay thanks nurse
wakes you up
*rubs my eyes* hmm?
I'm aloud to go home now
o-ok *slowly gets up*
u ready to go then?
you okay babes
yea I'm good. just got a headache.
kisses your cheek
it looks rainy outside
well id want u guys getting sick *cuddles u
puts her in her carrier and covers her up
*helps u get ur things and helps u get ready
I love you baby boy and I'm ready
I love u too. * opens the door and lets u go out*
go's out and sees all the rain and lightning
no no. go wait in the lobby while I go get the car.
okay baby boy
*runs out in the rain into the parking lot running to the car.
waits for you
*gets car and pulls to entrance
walks out with the baby and gets in the car
ok u ready?
ok. *starts to drive
watches the lightning down the road
*ask:what r u looking at
it's raining outside
I know. that's why I'm driving carefully
I love you
I love u too *smirks
holds your hand
*turns in the radio and holds ur hand*
falls asleep
*checks on the baby and keeps diving
wakes up to thunder and lightning and hard rain
*puts my hand on ur leg* u okay baby
yea I'm okay baby
ok * keeps driving
holds your hand,I love you
* holds ur hand tightly * lov u too
when will we get home
in a minute baby. * turns
okay baby
*arrives home and gets out the car*
gets out and grabs the baby
*gets ur things and opens the door for u*
kisses your lips softly and goes in
*follows u and takes ur things to the bedroom
lays down on the bed
*takes the baby
r u okay baby
yea cuddle with me?
ok. *lays the baby down to sleep
kisses your cheek
*smiles and lays down w you*
lays on top of you and kisses your neck
*smiles and kisses back* u ok baby
*the baby starts crying*
wakes up
* doesn't notice
picks her up
*still sleeping
feeds her
*groans and lays flat on my stomach, still sleeping
she falls asleep and I lay her back down and lays beside you
*cuddles u with me and stays asleep
kisses your lips softly
sleeps on top of you
*cuddles u
kisses your lips
*rubs ur waist
smiles and giggles
moves your hand lower than my waist
*talks in a horse voice* mmm what u laughin' at?
kisses your forehead softly
*gets under the blankets
*cuddles w you*
rolls to the other side
*puts my arm around you
rolls over on you
*hugs u tightly*
cuddles you
kisses your lips
*kisses u back grabbing ur waist*
*opens my eyes and groans again*
I love you
I love u too
I love you more
sure u do *kisses u
kisses your neck
*smirks and gets up and stretches
kisses your lips
* squeezes ur cheeks and grabs the baby as she starts to whine*
* caries her around, holding her closely*
she might be hungry
*hands her to u*
starts feeding her,I bet this would be teasing you to
*gets close to sleep in and goes to the bathroom*
gets done feeding her
*comes out and goes into the kitchen*
puts her in her bed and goes in the kitchen and kisses your cheek
*looks in the fridge*
*grabs a plate of leftovers*
kisses your cheek
u want some den to eat??
ok *puts food in the microwave