i love youuuuu ♡


i love youuuuu ♡

43 34
hewwo beautiful you on?
hey, do you do girls? // millie
woah sorry i thought i posted my bio// millie
okay(: how are you?
im doing fine (:
I’m ok, your really pretty gwennny -can I call you that?😂- and I’m always here if you need me or needa talk❤️❤️
awh, thanks gwenny❤️
so how are you? how’s life?
oh, boo I’m sorry❤️ I hope you’re okay, and I hope you know that your loved and people care about you, so think about them and think about your future, just be strong.. and yeah I’m ok kinda.. my friends are just kinda drifting away from me except one of them *grace* and yeah.. life’s tough but I’m still living..
yeah..❤️ so what’s up?
cool, jus watching YouTube
only if you have Snapchat
I hat showing my face
hiya i’m sienna
she did.. 😭
y-yeah 😭😭
I’m ugly
ok no your not
don’t ever your not ugly
your cute lol
not joking
aw thank you Gwen💕
hey i just wanted to let u know in a super no ho mo way lol that ur really pretty. a lot of people use fake pics and it takes guts to put ur face out there. but you’re genuinely super pretty
hehe i’m blair :)
ahhh sameee
hello love
I’m good, how are you?
ah nice
ur soo pretty
thank youu ! so are you
ah same :)
they are so amazing! idk how she’s such a good singer and dancer
the college that u remixes me is pending review
*i laugh* me too!
ah do you mean Jack? :)
awe thanks SO ARE U THO
I did it 😁😁😁
hii again ! I think we’ve already met ? aha
I’m good :) hbu pretty ?
aw just okay?
aw I’m sorry, but I’m sure he like you back, you’re so gorgeous and seem so sweet! just let it take time :) can I help in anyway ?
hehehehehe hehehehehe he did it
it’s goin alright
hiii !
Hi I’m Loreli
good. how are you?
nah I’m rlly ugly
hey i’m aubree
wanna be friends
I’m ugly as but your gorjj
i’m great , you
14 how about you?
that’s good
no. I am ugly but your gorjjj 🥵🥵
watch marvel movies, dance, swim, ride my bike, hang out with my friends, play fortnite, play baseball, go to baseball games, hang out with my brother, hang with my parents, read my bible, go to church, do my homework, FaceTime my friends, eat food.
so hru gorjj
it’s pending :/
nah. bet all the boys like u
r u straight ?
ok,, bc I know a couple girls that would prolly wanna get w u
your gorgeous. I swear down.
I’m being serious. your so gorgeous hun
hey how are you?
I’m great thanks
can we talk
my favorite fruit is pie. I will literally do anything for a piece of pie. Just asked my brother Max haha! I absolutely fancy art, and i play football
yeah.. thank you..
I think I might delete my acc
What about you?
bc I haven’t got anything to stay for
fruit pies. especially Cherry
hahaha it’s okay me too. we twins😂👌
okayyyy I can try I guess
I’m kinda more into guys tho
when ??
tbh ur brother will see how ugly I am and then be like nah and leave 😂👌🏾
what does he look like ?
u there ?
hey Hun 💞
u okay hun
ofc I like her she’s so kind and ur gorjj Hun 🥵. I’m ugly asf so 🤷🏽‍♀️😂👌🏾
get at my recent 😘
hey x
good you?
same aye
hii againn
I’m goood ! hbu?
not rlly sorry
can we talk..
please can we talk
Gwen please
I think I said this before but LETS BE BESTIES SKSKSKKSS I’m Kylah ♥︎
wow. ur a joke 🤦🏽‍♀️
sorry I’m back now
gwennn hi, I don’t think you do but do you remember me ?