Meh. Too late no? Oh well! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY UMI! (Second b-day collage lol)


- CLICK TAP SOMETHN' - Meh. Too late no? Oh well! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY UMI! (Second b-day collage lol)

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I always loved that SR
I know right, I live it idolized, tbh I love the whole set
@Peach this was my second one for her birthday... So I wasn't really late I had one earlier XD
Scroll down ill' Peach, it's ok, Mama Pastel also makes mistakes sometimes ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Do you have any ideas of killings and executions? I have a thing of the killings and whodunnit
what is dis click tap thing Ima confused
you tap the words and more words appear
Uhhh I think I have a few for the gunner
Also just tap the description Fruitful (THATS WHY IT SAYS TAP.) more words pop up
oh I wanna try :3
BRUH DONT STEAL IT FROM MEH. IF YOU HAVE A SMALL DESC. THERE IS NO POINT IN DOING SO, plus you don't really put anything in the desc.'s of your posts
yea but now I see everyone doing click and tap thing
Bruh. Well, suit yourself then,