Collage by Tord_Here


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hi beautiful 💞 any ideas for a username for a edit tutorial & challenges themed YouTube channel? ILYSM😊💞
Tord Tord Tord poured the lord into the hoard of nords
hi Tom
good Thx, wbu
so what you doing..?
same. wanna do anything?
(I'm back) *grabs guns* okay !
*loads gun* let's do this!
*hides in a bush and looks around* come here Ronald McDonald!
Ummm....OK...your laughing may scare my MCnuggets away...
OK OK...I didn't want diabetes anyway
ok...I ran outta jokes
*looks around* I can't see any clowns...
Oh...*drops gun*..I just wanted some MickyDs
*smiles* I guess I just have to order! :3
*randomly shoots gun into the sky*
you can't make me shudd up *smiles*
ok,make me be quite then...
*kisses back* did *smiles*
ok! *walks with you*
*sits with you* so..we gonna go clown hunting tomorrow,again?
yea! what movie?
well...what movies we have?
*laughs* probably *picks up random disk* what's this?
*reads it* it' a different language...OH WELL *puts it into TV
*shrugs* idk
*stares at tv* what...?
I agree!
*smiles* let's go
*takes the disk and snaps it*
any thing not in Chinese XS
yhea ok..* looks through movies*
what about insane zombie pirates from h~ five..?
no...nothings wrong
walks over to seats*
*eats some popcorn*...
yhea *wisperes* ...?
uhh... I don't know*whispers*
...? what*whispers*
*thinks* maybe....? *wisperes*
we will be fine.*looks at them suspiciously* let's just wach the movie...
*eats pop corn and waches movie*
*yawns* better then Chinese movie XD
we should probley W8 for Matt and edd to leave before we go any where...
yhea.know any good shortcuts?
OK *Matt and edd leave* let's go!
*we get into the house before Matt and Edd*
*edd and Matt walk in* hello
edd: uhh....
your hair didn't look any different for a start....
*looks at Matt* well he doesn't look different either...
uhh...*can't think of a reply*
Matt: we uh went with..a friend
we just..wanted to..know
its uhh getting late...
*looks at Tom*...that was awkward...
they probably want there be a secret
so what you want to do now
oh...ok XD
let's see what they up 2 then...
follows behind you*
I wonder what's so funny...*wisper*
yhea....*whispers* ???
((I gtg))
I can hear them talking...*whispers*
uh..something about..getting bursted..W8 what...?
dam...*trys not to laugh*
let's go or we WILL get caught *whispers*
*follows you quietly*
r you ok...*looks worried*
*looks up stairs and hears a door open* I think Matt and edd heard us...
Matt: did you hear something...?
*matt and edd go down stairs*
yhea..probably a bird or something
((gtg be back later))
((yhea just back from trick or treatinng*
got £15 pounds and 2 homebargens bags filled XD))
I know my cat ran away because fireworks))
my cats called gizmo))
yes XD ))
my friend had a dog named Matt))
it's really stupid it ate my pop tart yesterday))
OMG my cat just came back XD))
he sitting beside me,your cat will probably come back soon))
he is blacky brown couler with yellow eyes))
I can send a pic in remixes))
do U have any pics of your cats?))
it's too cute XD))
cute cat buddies!!!!!
haha true Irish Kitty's I'm driving to ierland tomorrow XD))
my cat is a freaking gremlin I through him in to the swimming pool last summer and he ran round the garden and went crazy (ΦωΦ)
yhea same...
my mum wouldn't let me meet someone over the internet doh
are cats are secret twins....!!!
I spat out my coffee))
I like most coffee I just don't like espressos
I love tea!
I'm 13
but I'll be 14 soon so....
so,do you like any video games
(I have one dog )
cool! what games you like
do U have a Xbox
do you have Xbox 360 or 1
ssame,do you have Xbox live!?
:3 same
do U have Xbox last be on 360?
what's your user name :D
((my cats outside somewhere ))
Xbox 1-bubblefighter1