đź’™forever jacksonđź’™


đź’™forever jacksonđź’™

6 0
hey girl. it's Bailey. I haven't spoken to Jackson in a LONG time. how are y'all doing? y'all need to get married lol
lol hey Bailey, we r doing great, Haha we actually talked tonight and stuff played with the kids a bit, and then he had to go to bed he works timeline... haha yeah I think we do to, but it's okay, if Jackson isn't comfortable yet I can wait, I love him he's amazing I can't thank u enough for setting us up... how have u been?!
your very welcome! I've been pretty good.
that's good, what's all been happening? anyone special?
actually I got back together with like my first ever boyfriend on here.
Jackson just text me and said that he has a surprise for you tomorrow
yeah he told me, he makes me not want to sleep!! ugh I'm so excited and anxious to find out
he told me to tell you that remix him whenever you can tomorrow.
well I gtg to bed my dad is yelling at me lol night!
agh!!! BAILEY!!!!!! don't tell me that... and okay I will
lol night!