Don’t you dare tap..

You rebel! 🤪
Anywho this was inspired by an ad I saw at the mall so yeahh. 
Tags // #pconly #featureme #stickers #scraps #quote


Don’t you dare tap.. You rebel! 🤪 Anywho this was inspired by an ad I saw at the mall so yeahh. Tags // #pconly #featureme #stickers #scraps #quote

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Love this!💕💕
round one results r up! please come and look at it! round 2 will be posted tomoz so stay tuned! 👍🏻😀 alsoooo Yass I'm a rebel- #REBEL
yeah sure! what would u like to do?
um...what for?
ok sure! any theme...?
do u want me to create a complex edit of her?
erm sure, but u have to give credit coz I don't see why u need other people to make u collages for ur acc
no they're not, my collages used to be trash and now I'm half proud of them. but, if u want to learn new skills, there is always tutorial acc's and u can't rely on other ppl to do that for you.
no hard feelings💓
hey, I finished one of the edits, lemme remix x
yup u have the open slot
welcome to team ornaments hot cocoa filled up 😭
thanks! I'll working on the Alisha one now! x
I'm going to post it now. u can post it now too.