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Okay. There are a few things I want to talk about today. 1. I'm in a weird mood so I'm warning you in advance. 2. I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN TO WATCH DAN'S LIVE SHOW AND IT LOOKS GREAT I REALLY WANT TO WATCH IT. 3. I have to start studying for a test I have tomorrow (yes I know I probably should of done it yesterday but LISTEN. I'm actually not procrastinating (for once) it's a strategy. if you study the night before, it will be fresh in your head.) 3? or 4? 4. I hate my name. You wanna know why? BECAUSE I GET CALLED CAROLIN TO OFTEN (because I live in the south (yee ha) and no one apparently knows the rules of grammar here. (me and my dad rage about it all the time lol) AND BECAUSE I GET CALLED CORALINE ALL THE FREAKING TIME AND DO YOU KNOW HOW CREEPY THAT MOVIE IS I HATE IT OKAY SO IM PROBABLY GOING TO CHANGE MY NAME WHEN I GET OLDER!1!11! 5. My friend applauded me for typing a meme into Bookworm today (yes we play Bookworm in computer lol I really enjoy it) I typed 'Doge' (it was actually a word i could use ironically enough) and my friend APPLAUDED ME. Do you know how rare that is for me know?! My friends practically hate me so I was proud of myself (and yes I used stale memes to my advantage today) 5 or 6? 6. I got my bottom braces but I'm today and the freaking HURT. Help me. Ok. Gotta study now. *dies because really wants to not study*
I'm sorry these are always so long. I LIKE TO TALK. I KNOW I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.
also Glee is great. I watched the show when I was like 8 but I obviously didn't pay attention to a lot of it because I was to busy gagging at all the šëcks. but now that I'm older (12 lol I'm still young. but I'm actually pretty sure I'm one of the most mature 12 year olds I know) I can actually appreciate the greatness of it. so yep. bye. i LIKE actually have to study now.
ok so sorry for not liking recent edits but I am your age and I have bottom braces and they do hurt, but with everything, you just get used to it. I think I'm also one of the most mature peeps my age I know but the majority of the reason why I'm so quiet is because of my little social anxiety issue but anywayyy... yeah my frens hate me 2 and peeps misspell my name all the time BLECHH
yeah i'm kinda the "fifth wheel" - two of my frens just sit at lunch and gossip and talk about drama (no offense but BLEH) and two are actually pretty cool but they just like each other more than me so...yeah.. I don't really talk much in general though cuz I'm usually just panicking in public