Morning rp before breakfast


Morning rp before breakfast

10 12
Malory: Explain
Cara: *alarm rings* (I just realized I don't have a roomate :() *rolls out of bed and gets ready*
happy Maggie 😂
Samantha: I'm sorry i disappeared like that. The truth is I've been watching you ur whole life, using shapeshifting
what is this face !?!? :()
(oooh a fellow shapeshifter)
Ava: OMG we have the same powers!
Azule: *alarm rings* ughhh *yawns and get out of bed and goes and get ready*
Ok night for real guys 😂❤️
Brody: *alarm goes* arggggggg *falls of bed* oof ow
yay. thanks caeli you are God and Heaven and the saviour 😂😂😂
celesta is woken up by a voice in her head
it's a frownie. face that has the bracket at the end.
"come one celesta wakey wakey"
Ok really need to go now cos I went down to say night to my dad and I’m meant to be in bed having out my phone on the landing see you all tomorrow which will probs still be your today cos I wake up at 7am and I think that’s still today in America 😂
celesta wakes up only to see nibbles
ohhhhhhhhhhh lol I’m laughing so hard
(I would prefer if we didn’t
celesta: are u talking to me?? (she scrutinises nibbles and looks over at Ava who is still asleep)
Cara: *locks her dorm door and walks over to celestas dorm. knocks.* hey celesta, it's Cara.
Azule: *walks into the dining room rubbing her eyes and goes to sit down as she texts her sis*
celesta: hey. come in.
how old are the kids? and you're playing 4 characters
Cara: gooooooooddd morning sunshine
celesta: nibbles- were you talking to me??
Malory: I'm not happy. You left without saying anything!
celesta: hey Cara. I think nibbles was talking to me... eh.
celesta: want took down to brekkie??
*to go
Cara: *laughs* slow morning huh? 10 minutes until breakfast.
celesta: okay. I'll jut get changed
(I would prefer if we didn’t)
didn't what add the kids^^
Azule: *texts her sis and looks around the dinning room looking to see if anyone is there*
Cara: *sighs* I mean having my own dorm is nice but I'm the only one who doesn't have a roomie, you know?
omg sorry I’m not typing fast a usual my cats are wrestling and I’m dieing
celesta: comes out changed, so. is brody all good??
awww. cats!!!
Cara: I think so.
don't be upset by it...^^
and don't guilt Caeli. it's her role play.
omg now my cat is fighting with my stuffed cat omg omg omg
thx Bella
YouTube video gone viral
Samantha: I understand that, Malory. please forgive me. I don't want to talk about it in public
ok then..
one sec imma post a picture of my midget cat
Malory: Fine. How are you Cara?
(ugh I have to study 😩 be back soon.)
he is literally a midget
like me :))
k. Bai bella
Samantha: So... um.... I already know all of your names because I, uh, was following Malory.....
I don’t have cats cause. I am allergic 😢 but I have a doggo
Malory: How are you Celesta?
caeli- who does daniel share a dorm with??
Azule: *goes out to the garden and sits on the grass*
and Samantha's roommate?
celesta: I'm good. everything's kinda overwhelming. and what do u mean u already know my name..
Alexander hugs Taylor.
Samantha stills quietly in the seat across from Malory
celesta looks over at Samantha.
(caeli u still on?)
I though Daniel shared with Brody?
He sits at the table, numb.
okay. thx caeli
Samantha: uh.... since I'm a shapeshifter I kinda followed Malory around without her knowing so I would know that she was safe
I need to think bout it
daniel wakes up and sees brody on the floor
imma repost the dorms later
Azule: *pulls out her journal and starts writing a song about friendship*
okay. cool. thx caeli
Brody: ow
daniel: you okay dude??
(Oh that's hard. Probably Fred)
he goes over and helps brody up
Samantha: wait. I think I heard... Brody... is it?
He rest his chin on his palm as he finishes a beautiful sketch.
Brody: thanks
Samantha stares at Malory sad that Malory is ignoring her
daniel: np. so. u okay now after dying?
Malory: Wow. It's great that Brody is better
daniel stands up and quickly changes
Malory: Celesta. Did you sign up for the newspaper job?
Brody: um well I’m not sure.... the usual
Brody: imma change
Samantha: Oh I think I signed up
celesta: yeah
daniel: k.
Alexander drops his pencil.
daniel: so how does your job work??
Something comes over him.
He feels dizzy.
Malory: I signed up, too. Wait what did you say Sam?
celesta: Samantha... how do you know my name before I told you
He faints and falls on to the floor.
Samantha: I. Signed. Up.
celesta hears another voice in her head "I want cheese" "who's the new girl, she smells funny"
Alexander?! *everyone screams*
celesta suddenly stands up, pulls nibbles out of her purse and stares at him really hard
lol nibbles
celesta sees Alexander on the floor
Samantha: Did you say something?
(can I give nibbles telepathy??)
(with everyone or just celesta?)
Brody: you know I’m to lazy to walk down stairs *he moves over to there window and jumps out flying down to everyone
celesta looks around and starts to freak out. what was happening to nibbles??
(like nibbles becomes a super mouse)
Samantha: Nibbles? Did you say "I want cheese and that I smell funny"?
daniel watches him pop out the window and sighs. he just teleports to everyone else
(Samantha couldn't hear that. nibbles telepathed that to celesta 😂😂)
(nibbles the super mouse 😂😂😂)
Samantha can understand Nibbles because she can shapeshift
daniel happens to teleport right next to celesta
Nova- I never knew mice could speak the human language. Well, you learn something new everyday!
(wait is nibbles become super mouse!?)
ohh. okay then
(no. just telepathy)
daniel: morning guys
Malory: Hi Daniel
my cats so weird she is licking the leg of a metal chair
(oh to bad)
(but ok to)
Samantha: Malory... please don't be mad at me
Brody: *yawns* when’s breakfast
Malory: 1. I'm evil 2. I hold grudges What do you think, Samantha?
Samantha: I should've known
Nova- Hey, are there vegan options for breakfast? I don’t really like meat. I know it’s not breakfast yet, but...
Brody: whose Samantha?
Nova- Yay! Another evil person!
Brody: yes nova
celesta: I dunno but she knows too much about me for me to be comfortable with
(nibbles may develop more powers later)
Samantha: I'm one of Malory's old friends.
SORRYY. my dad came into my room
Brody: oh and oh
Nova- Is there anything exciting to do? Yesterday there were two freak accidents.
(oh lol dads sometimes)
hey brody- somethings up with nibbles
Samantha: Celesta! I know all about you because technically I've been here the whole time... just not in human form
celesta: WHAT
Brody: and what could that be?
celesta: no offence but that's kinda creepy
Samantha: I said I was a shapeshifter!
Brody: say what?
celesta: (to brody) it's like he is talking to me
celesta: to nova- I don't think he is hurt but I dunno was what's wrong with him
Nova- Phew
Sam: Sometimes a mouse, butterfly, ladybug, and a white fox
Brody: *raises an eyebrow* nibbles?
nibbles in celestas head: yes. it's me. nibbles. celesta, I have developed a power. telepathy.
Samantha turns into a mouse
celesta: ack brody!! nibbles has.. telepathy
nibbles climbs up onto celestas shoulder and then sniffs her ear
Brody: um was it just me or did wait no that’s me reading his mind wow
celesta: wait. brody, do u have telepathy?
Malory: This used to happen all the time in our orphanage. Sam would investigate what was going on around the building
celesta: if u do, ask nibbles if he can talk to everyone
Brody: yea why
Samantha talks to Nibbles in mouse language
Cara: uhh I'll be right back *hurries out of dining room. goes outside and catches a bird with a letter. from her dad. she reads it, then frowns, then cries tears of happiness.
(I still haven't studied 😂😞)
Brody: were did cara go?
oh guy my cats calmed down I have pictures of two of them one sec imma show you then
Cara: I'm right here Brody, sorry I had to leave I had something to take care of.
congrats bella 😂😂
I have so much home work due tomaro none of it’s done
hey I have to go I’ll prob be back like in 4 hours 😆
okay. cya
Brody: oh
Malory: Cara, hey....
der day r
Samantha: Cara? Right?
celesta sits down and talks to nibbles
Cara: *nods.* hey. I left you a note, Malory.
We need an updated roommate PicCollage
celesta: CARA!! nibbles has telepathy!!
(Cara... could u type it in the remixes)
yea imma make it later
Brody: ahh no need to yell Celesta
Malory: celesta is just excited
celesta pokes her tongue out a brody
celesta keeps talking with nibbles
Sam and Mal laugh
Brody: wow so mature
Grace walked in very late and looking like a mess.
celesta sends a jet of water over at brody without looking away from nibbles
Samantha and Malory say: Exactly! *in unison
heyyoo Eliza's
Malory: Grace! This is Samantha
(Allo everyone!!)
Malory: where have you been
I love the bio
Grace didn’t think she could talk to anyone at the moment so she sat down in a corner all by herself.
Brody: *says flatly* thanks dries of with his fire powers
celesta smiles innocently
Malory: What's wrong Grace?
she then stands up and goes back to join the group
Samantha: Yeah Grace?
celesta saw grace and send nibbles over
nibbles climbed up her leg and chattered at her. then he used telepathy to talk to her
Samantha: Don't ask why I know your name
(Malory it's in the remixes of the dinner rp)
(I'm studying)
Grace pulled out her book and hid her face, trying to hide the fact that she was on the verge of tears.
Malory runs over to Grace to comfort her
Malory: Don't cry Grace.
Samantha: uh.....
Malory: Do you want to talk?
“I’m not crying!” Grace said, coming off a little rude. When she was upset she usually had a short temper.
Malory: I'm sorry.
Malory: You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but usually it helps to get it out...
“I can’t right now.” Grace said
Malory: Okay. I just want to let you know that I'm here for you
Samantha: *whistles*
Samantha: What iris?
nibbles telepathically says to grace: I'm here for you.
Grace pulled her book closer to her, trying to read. But she only read one sentence over and over again, unable to move on.
Samantha: Cute *says to Nibbles*
Malory moved away knowing that it feels better to be alone when your sad.
Malory starts reading poetry aloud.
just like Grace had been doing when they first met
anyone on?
(is anyone on? )
Cara: *walks back to her dorm to grab her backpack and school supplies.*
Malory and Samantha start talking about why she disappeared
(I’m on)
Malory: Grace...
“What?!” Grace said angrily.
Malory: Are you okay?
Malory: I'm sorry... never mind
“No...” Grace said finally breaking down.
Cara: *hears a loud thud outside and the ground shakes. she takes cover under her bed.*
Malory: Grace... I'm here for you
Samantha leaves
Grace starts crying. “M-My cousin and best f-friend...she-she...she killed herself.”
Malory: I'm so sorry!
Malory: Whoa! Did you feel that shake?
“And...I’m never gonna she her again!” Grace said
Malory: What was her name?
“Why does it matter?” Grace said looking up at Malory with bloodshot teary Eyes.
Ella: *gets ready*
Malory: Sometimes talking about a situation makes you feel better
“I think it will make it worse....” Grace said, hating showing her emotions. It made her feel vulnerable.
anyone interested?
anyone on?
(I’m on)
Malory: Ok. it works for me
Malory: wanna read some poetry?
“Sure...” Grace said, glad that she had a friend like Malory.
Cara: * gets out from under her bed. * maybe it was just me. * she grabs her stuff and runs back to the dining hall. *
(anyone on)
I am now
I'M BORED!!!!!!!!!!
are we going to have classes now? or are there no classes today
I’m back
I was just going to post the first one sooooo
brb imma spam everyone
(anyone here?)