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if you’re going to block me, I just want to say this, and I hope you read it. I couldn’t be more thankful for our short run, it taught me a lot of good and a lot of what I need to do to fix myself because I was straight out of order. I just wish we could go back to those few weeks before we started dating when we made each other smile. Those were some of the most happy days of 2017 for me 😊. There is a lot that I wished we could’ve accomplished but I get that I made a colossal mistake that changed the outcome of everything, and I really hate seeing you hurt even though I still chose to break your heart. Anyway I hope your path leads you to everything you’ve ever wanted because you deserve it. 🤟🏻
hey babe, I’m here if you ever want to talk. I understand, as a female, high school struggles and we can get through this together 😘😊
it sound like me