I need to speak with Bill...


I need to speak with Bill...

20 1
bouffant boy ????
*walks in* uhh... guys?? *sighs*Gideon, put him down.. *grabs broom* I will use this
STAY OUT OF THIS, MARSHMALLOW!! *throws her to other side of the room with magic bow tie, causing her to drop the broom* now.. for you Dorito boy..
((and you wonder why Mabel no like you 😂))
(((so true))) OOF!! GIDEON, PUT HIM DOWN NOW!
BIPPER!!! *somehow breaks force and runs over to him*
oh no, Marshmellow.. *starts dragging her away* we're going somewhere where no one will ever find you..
*tries to escape* NO, NO! LET ME GO YOU ELVIS HAIRED JERK!!! STOP!!! *gets pulled off to the point where you can't hear her*
nope! *uses bow tie to wake Bipper up* Cya later.. Dorito boy.. *evil laugh then they are gone*
Nobody will ever find us here.. *ties Mabel to a tree and pulls out directions on how to summon bill*
HELP!! *starts crying* SOMEBODY!! HELP ME!!
shush now, peaches... *ducktapes her mouth* don't worry... you'll love me soon enough
MMMHMM! *attempts to talk* MMM!!! MMM!!!
Join the side of hope! we have cookies!
*punches him back* HAHA, YOUR FUNNY DORITO BOY!! *levitates him again* I just gotta say... *says summoning Bill thing* (((Bipper, could you be Bill?)))
Yup! tons of em
*looks really scared and sees Bill appeared*
NO! MY LUCKY BOWTIE!! GIVE IT BACK!! *attempts to get it Back*
Howdy Bill!!! I gotta deal for you..
*kicks him* NOPE!! *pulls bippers arms off of his neck and throws him into a tree*
*tries to say Bipper worried* MMM-MMM!!
thanks Bipper.. *looks at Bill and backs up a bit*
are you alright?
stay out of this Dorito boy!
((I can feel something weird lolz sorry))
((can I join...I gave up on homework))
*dodges it* well, then let's get this over with! listen up Bill... I want you to make Mabel love me.. and then I can get you a whole new rift to start weirdmaggedon again with!!
(((uh.. can we just keep this between us? we can role play soon though, sorry!!)))
((Lolz I need one because I'm there is nothing to do))
What!?! I'll never love you, Gideon!!
*snaps at Mabel* ZIP IT, MARSHMALLOW!
okay then.. *holds hand out for him to shake it*
NO!! PLEASE NO!!! *freaks out*
NOO!! *cries and suddenly passes out*
YES!!! *runs over to Mabel and taps her head* Wake up, marshmallow!
(( do mouth to mouth ))
(((blef.. ew.)))
CAUSE NOW SHE'LL LOVE ME!!! *evil laugh*
*wakes up and rubs head* what happened..?
that's not true!! she will love me!!
well, good morning marshmallow!!
GIDEON!!! *suddenly hugs him tightly*
*cant remember anyone or anything except Gideon, looks at Bipper confused* who's that?
oh.. don't worry about him.. all you need to worry about is lil' old me!!
(((we gotta fix this some how...)))
is he alright? *runs into woods after him*
(( if you destroy bill maybe Mabel will remember bipper ??? ))
what.. *grabs her arm* I told you to only worry about me!
uh.. *looks at Gideon then back at Bipper* I'm sorry, Gideon.. *runs after bipper* HEY!!! RANDOM PERSON!
(((OMG FEEEEELLS I'm depressed now.))) hey.. uh.. are you alright? *sits next to Bipper*
uh.. I'm confused.. what are you talking about?? who are you exactly.. I'm sorry... I don't know you..
(((this is depressing..)))
what are you talking about..? I'm confused.. *looks at him and you notice writing on her arm that says "in control of Bill"*
uh.. sure? *shows him arm*
*writing disappears and rubs eyes* Bip...Bipper?
sort of.. your.. Bipper cipher.. r-right?
(((gtg.... bye...)))
(((what??? no, I'm just kinda... struggling with things right now.. uh... I'm kinda stuck and I don't know what to do... I'm just taking a break.. mostly cause my parents made me but I will be back..)))
(((hey. can we finish the rp???????))))
(((XD SURE...... lol irl i ship you guys so freaking much though!!)))