Hey I'm back on///max


Hey I'm back on///max

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hey Max. how are u, baby?
I'm here baby girl
how are u baby? I'm missed u so much
kisses your lips, I missed you to
and I'm doing good as long as I have you
*kisses ur lips back* I've missed u too
Max baby?
lays you on the bed and kisses your neck
*moans* I love u
I love you to, kisses and sucks you're neck
*kisses u hard* I want you
I have to eat dinner now. we will continue this later *winks*
smiles, okay baby girl
I'm back, baby
pests continue what we were doing!! *stands in the doorway*
picks you up and kisses your neck and lays you on the bed and gets on top of you and takes off my shirt and kisses your neck down
takes of my shirt. kisses ur neck
smirks and kisses your stomach
I love u so much, max❤️❤️
I love you to
*kisses you hard*
sucks and kisses your neck
*moans* traces your back
takes everything off me except for my boxers
I need you❤️❤️❤️
takes of my pants
kisses and sucks you're stomach down
straddles you
smiles , yea baby girl
*kisses you* wraps legs around you
moves my thing more closer to yours and kisses your neck
*kisses u *
moves my D closer to your thing and smiles
*smirks* kisses u
kisses and sucks down your stomach and puts two fingers in your underwear and plays with your pxssy
*moans* Brings your head up and kisses u
kisses your lips,smirks, r you trying to stay quiet
I am, ur so hot. *kisses ur neck
sits on you*lap dance*
bites my lip and smiles and kisses your neck
you just love don't you? baby
yea, lays you down on the bed and takes your underwear off you and spreads your legs and rubs your pxssy
*moans* your such a tease
smiles and kisses your lips and rubs your pxssy at the same time
*bites your lip* traces your abs
undoes your bra and kisses your chest
*wraps my arms around your neck*
come on, baby!!!!!!!!
what baby girl
you know what. *smirks and kisses you*
*gets on top of you*
flips you back on the bed and kisses your neck kisses you're bxobs
come on baby. do it
takes my boxers off and puts my D in your pxssy, r you ready baby girl
oh yeah
slams it in to you and goes in and out fast
*moans loudly*yeah baby
kisses your lips and moves in you faster and faster
I love u so much baby *kisses you*
I love you to , do you like this baby girl
I love it baby
I'll keep going faster until you scream my name
go's very fast and feels the bed shack
*kisses you hard* *moans loudly*
hits your g spot and go's faster
you are so amazing. I love having u as a boyfriend!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
smiles and kisses your lips and bites your lip
slides tongue in your mouth
*pressing body against yours*
go's deeper inside you
oh yeah baby. *kisses your cheek*
I love having s** with you
I know you can go harder than that *smirks*
smirks and goes deeper in you and moves out a little bit and bangs it in you and opens your legs more and go's faster and deeper into you
*moans*oh yeah baby
your sexy, I like it *kisses you*
keeps banging you and starts dripping a little bit and goes deeper in you
*kisses you* I love this
*traces your back* kisses you
bang me harder baby
*kisses you* come on baby. *gets up and gets on top of you*
you can ride me now
oh yeah I wanna ride you
you can
all right, baby *climbs on your D*
smiles and ponds it in you
*kisses you* go harder baby
pounds and bangs you harder and harder
*kisses you* you so good at this, baby
have to go I'll write u tomorrow baby
kisses your lips, I'll sleep with you if you want me to baby girl
hey baby
hey Max, u on?
*kisses you*
kisses you back
how are u, baby?
*sits on your lap*
smiles and kisses your neck
oh yeah*wraps arms around you*
takes my shirt off
takes of my shirt
smirks and unhooks your bra and kisses your neck
*kisses you hard*
plays with and sucks you're bxobs
oh yeah baby
do you want me to bang you again baby girl
make a chat page
oh ok
Max?*stands in the doorway*
um ask meg
make a chat page on ur home page and I'm sure they will respond
it's ok
let's continue what we were doing *smirks*
*sits on the counter*
Max, baby
I'll bang you again, max
okay baby girl//max
yay!!*sits on the bed*
kisses your neck
*straddles you* yeah baby
takes off your pants and underwear and opens your legs
come on, baby
kisses and sucks you're clít
*moans loudly*
kisses u hard
babes you teas good, sucks harder and sticks my tongue in you
I know I do, baby
*gets on top of you*
puts you back on the bed and bangs your pxssy
oh yeah baby
I'm going to get you so wet
oh yes *kisses you*
bangs you harder
makes the bed shake
yeah baby
*kisses you* your so good at this
slams my D in you and hits your g spot
*moans* I love u so much
I love you to, do you want me to cxm in your pxssy baby girl
oh yeh, baby boy
slams in you and cxms in you're g spot
that feels so good
keeps banging you very very hard
keep going baby
keeps banging your pxssy
you're very wet baby girl
I know baby boy
scream my name baby girl let everyone know how good you feel, pounds you harder and harder
*screams* Max
turns you on your back and spreads your aśś and puts my D in it and fûcks you
oh yeah
go's faster and try's to make you moan
does it feel good when I fûck you from behind
oh yeah
smiles and cûms in your aśś a lot
*moans *
hey Max, baby!!!
*kisses you*
what r some of ur favorite sports
football basketball and soccer
volleyball *kisses u*
I thought you were off pic collage * sits on counter*
*walks up to you and warps arms around you*
smiles and kisses your forehead
*kisses you* I love u so much, max *sits on the counter*
*runs fingers through your hair* do u wanna do it, baby?
*walks over to the bed* come on, baby
this would be the 3 time we did it
I know
plz baby
*takes of shirt* I know u like the view
*kisses u* I know u want to do it baby!
ok we can
yes! *kisses your neck*
*lays on the bed*
kisses your lips
*gets up* what are u waiting for, baby?
idk I'm just bored and tired
oh I understand, baby *sits on couch*
do u wanna sit with me on the couch? you could fall asleep if u wanted too, baby
picks you up and sits you on my lap and kisses your forehead,I love you baby girl
*kisses you* wraps arms around you. lays head on your chest
hey baby, can I ask u something?
kisses your forehead and cuddles you
do u love me?
I love you so dame much you're my everything you're my life you're my world my baby girl you're my princess you're my soul
awwww I love u so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your my life, soul mate, sun, center of my world
you're my galaxy
you are my galaxy too, baby❤️❤️❤️❤️
you're my prince in shining armor ❤️❤️
smiles and falls asleep with you in my arms
*wakes up and smiles*
yea I'm here baby girl I'm just on my account
I missed u
please tell me u didn't leave me please tell me u didn't
I love u so much, max, ur the center of my world
Max is gone
hey Max can u chat on this one?
Max please
I hate you, max