The Love of My Life


The Love of My Life

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...he stole my heart I'm hardly breathing, he's such a tall, dark, strong, and handsome jock!
true so true
I know right, I don't get how some people hate him, he's adorable!😍😍😍😍😍😍
You really like him.
AGH! How long will you guys be fangirling about him?!
They'll be fangirling over him FOREVER. Or until they reach high school, I don't really know?
they will be doing it forever...
get used to it now
If you want, check my Channel and she me fangirling about a Mystery person. Check it out to see who it is.
She's fangirling Shawn Mendez.
Shut up Jordan you ruined it!!!
Draco isn't dark, his hair is blond.
dark as in bad, oh I'm in love 😍
I don't get why people like Draco