Key word "Perfect"


Key word "Perfect"

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Kate, you are too ^_^
Ily, Princess. I'm still gonna try to lose more weight.
Babe y though
I'll get skinnier ♡
You're perfect just the way you are
Aw :3
I disagree, Princess.
You're perfect to me❤️
Sweet c
Thanks baby❤️
Should we do another Rp *Winks and smiles*
Roles (We're best friends and we fall in love with each other when I do a sexual dance at a club in front of you*
I'll start
*We're at the club*
*A sexual song that I love listen to comes, I smile, I giggle some* Keely, come with me to the dance floor
*Grabs your hand and walks to the dance floor*
*Smiles and does a sexual dance on you*
*Turns around and kisses you* Do you think I'm drunk
(Are you online?)
*Hugs* Princess, can we rp later?
I only have 1 class period left
I gotta calm down cause of math class *Tears up*
What happened? :c
I'm tired of my teacher and the kids in there *Tears up*
Princess, talk to the head.
They don't do anything *Cries*
Princess :*
Can you hold me *Cries*
*Holds you close* School is stressing me out too but we can get through it.
*Holds you and tries to calm down* School is overwhelming for me sometimes, with the teachers and kids
Yeah, Princess. I understand.
*Closes eyes with tears rolling down my face*
Kate. Ily. Please don't cry.
*Calms down some* Keely, Ily2
*Hugs* Kate.
*Hugs* Can you do something sexual to make me feel better
*Smiles. Kisses*
*Kisses back*
*Takes off your shirt*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*Kisses. Takes off your bra*
*Kisses back and smiles*
*Smiles and arches back* Make my bõobs hurt really bad, make it painful please
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
I'm ready
*Smiles. Grips them*
*Smiles and winks* Good girl
*Smiles. Squeezes*
*Squeezes harder*
*Moans louder and smiles*
*Smiles* Keely hump my face and rub my face while you hump my face
*Looks at you*
*Lays down, closes eyes and smiles*
I'm ready
*Looks at you* I'm not.
Oh ok
it's alright
^_^ ♡
Princess, school tomorrow is gonna suck.
*Hugs* Too much work. Hate the people.
*Hugs and kisses slowly* I'll make your day amazing though
*Kisses all over your beyond sexy face*
*Smiles* Always
Night, Princess. *Hugs tightly*
*Hugs tightly* Dream of me
Night, angel
I'll try, Princess. Goodnight. Tomorrow will suck so think of me.
I'm always thinking of you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Me too. Night ☺️ Make me a post? You don't have to. Okay, night.
I'll make a post❤️❤️❤️❤️