Would anyone like to chat?🌚✨


Would anyone like to chat?🌚✨

67 277
basically you are the only one that has given me a nick so far😅
i know I am😂 tell me about your nicknames
*tries not to have a dirty mind* omg I'm sorry😂😅
i knowwwwww😂 my big bro is too irresponsible😝
My baby is hot🔥💕
@Mads Love youuu❤️🌚✨
if I don't respond jay that means I'm rlly busy
I love you too💕
I'll always love you❤️💕
Thank you Mads❤️
Ill always love you too princess❤️
Your just irresistible😊
Thank you😘💕
Anytime love💜
Its my job💓
Not all the time tho but I'll except it❣️✨
Yess all the time baby✨💓
yup. I just dropped my phone on the floor😫
Of course your Madison💕😂
hey it just fell but my boot saved it😂
Mhmm,why didnt it brake
b/c it fell on my boot duh
Ehh i wanted it to brake
hey that's mean. my screen is already coming off🙄
I'm just kidding babe💓😂
Love youu💕
love you too aśs
no more kisses for you
*gasps* you wouldn't do that to me
Baby I made an account for both of us
Nevermind about that account I forgot the password🙄
I would^^^^💓
Thats soo coollll❤️😋😍
How rude🙃. would you like the password to the account
Yess please baby^💜
I'm joking even i wouldnt last not kissing you😂💗
ha 😂
don't tell me what to do mister☹️😚
Sorry princess💓
jdsmmala,w,qmla,aa.la.a I just dropped my phone on my face😑
Its not funny:(
yeah it is babe
Noo my face KILLS
I'm sorry
Its not your fault I'm a dumbàss😂💘
true that😂💕
I'm offended 😤
what you called yourself that first
Oh yeaaa😂💓
yeah stupid
I forgot
mhm. when are you gonna post something on our account
How about now?
Baby baby baby
Yes yes?
I love you
I love you too❤️
Always will😘
Good good:))
I'm lucky😋❤️
Very lucky
Cocky much😂❤️
This is why i love you:)
you love me. I posted something on our account
Yes i do.Aw ill go check it out✨
Your cute❤️
So are you
But your more💕
Uhhh yess😫
Noooo. 4 more days until are one month anniversary⭐️🙈
Well I want to do something special that day💕💫
Like what?
Well won't you have to wait and see?
dang it:(. I told my friends about you🙊🙈
Awhh you did?What did they sayy!!?
Trust me this is embarrassing but i told my mom about you....
They said that we are cute together and they said if you break my heart they'll find you and kill you😂.
You did🙈😊
Well we are cute💓I'll keep that in mind😂💗Tell them i say hii✨😂
Yes i did now shhh😭🙈
Okayyy. I'm with my cousin right now and she says that we are cute and she said hi
Haha tell her i also say hii.How old is she?
She's 17
Tell her shes lucky to have you as a cousin and to never be mean to you😂:)and that i'm going to marry her cousin one day
She's like she doesn't approve. she says I'm the one that mean to her which is true
She can't not just not approve if me and her have never met duh.Madison😂
I know😂
So she can shhh😂
she's like "don't tell me to ssh little boy. go to bed."😂
Tf is she talking about i'm older than her aśs😂✋I don't sleep till 11😎
She's just laughing🙄😂
Mhm she's just jealous of this sèxy beast✋😎
she's like "omg héll no"
I'm like the whole package,she's mad i took you away from her. Yea be mad😤👋
she's like "you didn't take anything away from me tf"
Does she wanna fight?Like come at me😂Jokes i'm actually nice
okay she's tired she says goodnight
Alrightt tell her goodnight and shes a loser since i sleep later👋😂
she's said goodnight and fúck you
but she can't b/c you're mine
Yupp whats down there only belongs to Madison
Yup very true
Mhmmm. Well i now see how you and your cousin are related😂❤️
oh my😂. she's actually very nice but eh idk what was up with her
Haah noo its fine i liked her she was funny😹
haha not really
Why not?
Hah alright,well its now 11:(
Bye baby i hope you have a good night and sleep well. Make good choices baby have a good night💞Love you princess❤️
Goodnight and I love you too.i have good dreams about me
Hi baby
if you don't get your aśs on I'm gonna go to sleep
Wowww baby😂
Your baby was sick and your being mean!😂❤️
I sowwy:(
It's okay i love youuu💗
I love you too✨❤️
Madison loves me yayy❤️
I'll always love you💏😍
Me too and nothing is ever going to change🍃❤️
Vv good❤️
Yeahhhh. baby I gotta tell you something
What is it princess?💫
I love you lots😚💜
I love youu too babes❤️
baby you should post a picture
I'm waiting till tomorrow😉😋
You have to wait💗
hey sorry I won't be on for the rest of the week cuz my grandfather he is in the hospital and than they are going go unplug the machine for him to breathe.......anyways talk to you in the weekend or something 😉😭😭
okay thxs
hey are you on??
I love you baby super duper much
I love you too princesss💕
Very much wait for 15 mins i'm making your collage😘
I'm almost done:)
I need some cuddles
I'd love to give them to you😋
daddy jay