It's not a big deal at all, really.


It's not a big deal at all, really.

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@caption You mean ADHD isn't, or something else? lol sorry I'm such an idiot
Ooh, I get it. Sometimes ADHD does suck and when I'm having a sensory overload I do feel like I'm going crazy but yeah it isn't gonna kill ya
The thing that sucks is different people have different severities of it and so idk if she's being over dramatic or it's actually that bad for her
Oh yeah, I've heard of people doing that. There's this girl in my class who has dyslexia and she uses it to sit by her friends because she'll go up to the teacher and say "oh I need to sit here, it's the only place I can read what's on the board from"
people like that are so annoying
@caption I hate people with those excuse ughaH
I have ADHD and itโ€™s not even that serious of a mental disorder๐Ÿ™„
lol why?
bruh thats stupid Adhd isnt even a mental disorder I have ADHD ans ADD