Oh my god look at this car crash this is why I don't like buses


Oh my god look at this car crash this is why I don't like buses

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r u the girl the cheated on Nate will he won't wake up-AJ
no plus he girl that "cheated" on him aint on here no more plus a girk didnt say that and i dont care if he not waking up-kyle
i think he's dying !!!!!!!!! -AJ
okay i care why he hurt one if my friends friend-kyle
I can't talk he is losing to much blood
where did he get stabed//bell
he said he's find I said he was not
put prussrue on it//bell
ok what else
do you have a belt or something tight
the fûcking cops won't come
try and tie tat around the area he git stabed
and tight i mean tight
call an abulice
ok now
did you call an abulicne
911 won't fûcking help me they say its not real
do you have a car??
no he does but his it's at his house watch is 5 miles from here
where is the nearest hospital
oh thank god a friend is going to talk to u I'll get my friends car