Disney Dreams


Disney Dreams

2 0
Hey hey! Okay, this looks good. Better than your first post. Some friendly criticism though, you can look up backgrounds on here and use those. Personally, I think lights look really cool in the background. You can also look up pictures to use in your actual collage. I saw you saving a bunch in English, and although you can sometimes get better ones online, it's easier to use the ones on Pic Collage. (unless they all suck. then get the ones online). This didn't turn into a textbook at all. Anyways, if you want more followers, look up "superheroes," or "Disney." People with the same interests. Follow them, and most likely, they'll follow you back. And keep posting, until you have some material for people to look at and go "wow, I like these. I think, since this person I know follows them, that il follow them too." This whole thing isn't about followers, but it's nice to know at least a few people are looking at your work. That's all
Idk if you can or will read this but thank you. I have been trying to figure out how to follow people since I got this😂
Wow lol