Collage by chloecaroline


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I'm thankful for my family and music. Those are the two most important things in my life and I don't know what I would do without either of them.
Also happy thanksgiving Chloe:)
awesome collage
I'm thankful for my amazing friends, family and music. if I didn't have any of those three things, I would be a completely different person as my friends and family have stuck by me and stood up for me for as long as I can remember and music helps me because if I'm having a rough day, I put on my headphones and the music just makes me feel better ❤️
Life is amazing and there are so many great things in life. I'm thankful for my family who I am very close to. I'm so glad that we all get together as often as we can. I am thankful for my friends because even though they aren't all friends with each other, I know that they'd work together if it were to help me, like I would do for them. I am thankful for having such good music to listen to. It helps me when nothing else does. Music helps me feel like I'm not alone and like I'm not the only person going through these things. I am thankful for books that are a perfect escape for me when reality is being atrocious. This is just a few things that Ian thankful for. thx 4 reading! :)
family, food, shelter, clothes, everything i have!
hey🙋🏼my name is gretchen💁🏼I'm a tumblr girl🌸and it would mean a lot if someone got me noticed✨like for like?follow for follow?i promise to return you in them after i get 1k followers☺️
hey🙋🏼my name is gretchen💁🏼I'm a tumblr girl🌸and it would mean a lot if someone got me noticed✨like for like?follow for follow?i promise to return you in them after i get 1k followers☺️
I am thankful for my dog
I am thankful to be so fortune it to have great health and a awesome family. Happy thanksgiving Chloe Caroline!!
Chloe, are you doing any concerts? because I would love💜 to see you preform! -dance_moms_queen
btw Chloé, I think it would be really great if you wrote a Christmas song 😊🎄
I'm thankful for all of my friends, family and followers
I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with a little boy named Kaiden
what is that check mark sign by your username?
my cat
I'm thankful for your Music
Thanks for the follow!!💞
please please please follow Hamster_Gurl but you are obviously not going to because I'm only 8 and my birthday is tomorrow so I'm turning nine! as a birthday gift will u follow Me and Hamster_Gurl??? we are of friends