Collage by sunlight-


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haha I’m an awkward potato too, um anyway before I begin I’m not telling you to do anything it’s just my little lonesome opinion 😂 of what I would do in your situation
for the part about abandoning your other friends, I’ve felt like this be4 too. I left one group to become closer to another group but all together we are still sorta close. the thing to remember is that you don’t control your friends. you are free to be friends with whoever you want, the friends that your “abandoning” don’t feel that your abandoning them (well at least not in my situation 😅) they were happy to expand their group and sorta combined with the 2 groups. of course not everything would turn out as perfectly as that, your friends might act differently.
about the sister thing I think that is an issue between you and your sis to talk about. Your sister probably needs to give a valid reason. which is more important, your sisters opinion or yours?
for the uninspired part, it’s important to know that before your body can start pumping out ideas you need to look after yourself. if your mind is stuck with worries and things you have to do, you can’t think of new creative things. that’s how I think of it anyway 😂
^hope this was helpful 🤩😅