


19 0
shut up
Bruh I'm fùcking dead
me too for u
shut up
yeah what they said just stop pls
guys there will be a lot of haters so just on them and maybe that will stop like wuvhotbaes
excuse myself i meant bad bars
your awful, did you know that? Don't make fun of people just to make yourself feel good
ha, it's funny how you think you're pretty
like literally why are you bullying this girl
you're like 82 and she's 11
so stop or I'll report you like...51 times, so how fun getting reported😁
why are you doing this???
tf bxxch stop fuxxing talk bout people cuz i bet u ugly as u
OMG mean
so mean and not lol
and I don't get how you have so many followers
that's mean
she has followers cuz of thirsty guys
dude leave her alone who do u think u are to talk to her light that?
you fake as bîtch leave my friends da fûck alone
no I ain't
aww yes u are
thts how yall kno she young becuz thts a little in her closed
that's emojegirl g dumb axx
ok and shes a little girl dummy and learn how to spell before u talk to me
She can wear whatever she wants! I wear ripped clothes too! You have no right to call people poor, that is RUDE! Stop bullying her!
not to be mean or any thing
but can u afforded a life
I'm seriously don't bully 8-12 year peps when ur 18
shut up
Get a life!
my jeans are all ripped terribly at the knees but no one makes fun of that so why do people make fun of someone with a ripped sleeve?
Do not post this sort of stuff
I ripped my sleeve as well after I fell off my scooter. Are you going to make fun of me too, Bully?
Btw, think before you post
that kind of mean
just like how your parents couldn't afford a non ripped condom?
your rude. you have problem then go ahead and pick on someone your size oh wait you can't there is no one as big as you so quit picking on people
can't you get a life awww wait you can't afford to get a life
and people we're dealing with a adult
cause when your 18 that's when y'all an adult
Don't make fun of that girl for that! Maybe it just ripped accidentally, or maybe she couldn't afford anything else. Either way, you shouldn't post pics of her unless you got her permission.