Collage by xx_Waffles_xx


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I have a tutorial account @periiwinkle_tutorials .You can learn how to make them😊🙂
go to my tutorial account puppyart26_tutorials
Sure!😘I mainly use the phonto app and repix! I use a lot of pc (short for pic collage) only too! Do you want any specific tips?💕
Phonto, we heart it, and superimpose
I use certain apps for different styles. if you have a certain style then you can msg me. and thanks love💖💖how kind!
of course!💕I use picsart,superimpose,phonto,photoblend,back eraser,we heart it,magic hour,repix and line camera✨
hey 😊
hey gorgeous! welcome to PicCollage❤️ some apps I use are Phonto and Line Camera. they are two really good free apps that focus on fonts and editing😘
hi! Welcome to Pic Collage! You will love this app! I use only Pic Collage! If you need any help, you can ask me if you want!