I’m also sorry for not posting anything and for being really inactive, school has been really tough with me, i earned some haters on Friday and i feel like their going to ruin my life or something


I’m also sorry for not posting anything and for being really inactive, school has been really tough with me, i earned some haters on Friday and i feel like their going to ruin my life or something

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I don’t know if y’all can read the words because of the background, so if you have any questions, you can ask me
that’s nice of you!
I don’t know if y’all will read this but I’m sorry for not posting or being active, I have a chair test soon and I earned some haters on Friday, so they might ruin my life or something. I really don’t know what to dooooo
SJJDJD IM GLAD SHES OK IVE MISSED HER SO GOSH DARN MUCH😖😖😖 do u know when she’ll get her ipad back?!?
also good luck with your testtt~~ and im so sorry about those jerks who are hating on u... don’t let them get to u ok? ur beautiful, stunning, and overall such an amazing human and if u need a friend i’m always here💕💓💞
oh wow... i’m so sorry 0-0 that happened to me with my phone.... my dad threw it against a wall bc i did really poorly on a test and he was mad 😅
I read your ff and it was so good!!! also I’m back and I missed you