A Sivan and Tay mash up,haven't done those in a while,this outfit slays on Tay :) and it's sad that her date night wth Calvin was ruined...


A Sivan and Tay mash up,haven't done those in a while,this outfit slays on Tay :) and it's sad that her date night wth Calvin was ruined...

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literally, nobody famous shares my birthday! #BDAYLONER!
i don't know who Ricky Garcia is eitherπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»
my dads birthday is the day after TaysπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»
honestly tho, I am a Taylor fan, I would consider myself a swiftie, but that song makes me vomit, it's not even a katycat vs Swifties thing, it's my opinion!
shake it off is a white girl jam but i love it!!! other than katy and tay, who else do u like
honestly, i dont think they had a fight, i mean, they are following each other on social media (twitter, not sure insty, but checking) amd if they really hated each other that much they would unfollow