Orange aesthetic part 2 of collages inspired and remade by @CreatingPoetry!!


💙✨tap✨💙 Orange aesthetic part 2 of collages inspired and remade by @CreatingPoetry!!

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Omg this is so pretty
Hii! I'd love for you to join my contest! Due date is October 10th!
this is so good! i love the colors!
thanks! and ofc!
thank you! and yeah haha usually ppl online will think that I'm like 13 or sum 😅
hahaha yeah true
we don’t need a chatpage btw! and plus i can’t make one bc im super busy :)
hey, sorry I didn’t see your comment till now. you still need someone to talk to?
oh that sucks. did you ask them why they ended it.
oh gosh that’s happened to me before
she was probably a fake friend because there’s a lot of fake friends out there
and blaming you for something you didn’t do sounds like a fake friend
oh wow, that’s bad
oh that sounds fun!
I’m pretty sure it’s still appropriate but idk