My brother sent it to me


My brother sent it to me

20 0
Damń really?
Linkin Park is legit my childhood
I'm kinda sad now too oh my god
I never really got that into Linkin Park ngl, like they're p good from what I've heard but I only know some of their stuff, like I've never listened to their entire discography or anything. But wow
he passed away waay too early
I just woke up and I can't believe it
I'm in shock I can't process it??
same, I can't take it in
When I was still a small child my sister bought road to revolution and we legit listened to it everyday I've grown so close to them ever since then and my heart seriously can't take it
i didn't know that he felt that bad… things like that happen so suddenly and there's nothing we can do about it I'm so sad right now
idk how to react tbh
its just awful