new account :/


new account :/

41 15
how was your day babe
good. and yours?
it was alright
just alright?
I mean it wasn't great but it wasn't bad just good?
I'm not great, and I'm not too sad
I don't want my baby sad at all I wish I could make you happy I would give anything to see your real smile again
I'm sorry..
don't say that you didn't do nothin wrong I'm sorry babe I'm a fûck and I fûcked us up so bad
maybe you should just let me go.... I know I don't have your heart no more
I love you Leilani.... I want us to work
we can try..
where would we start then should we start over as friends
I don't know... you tell me
well I wanna be with you but your distancing yourself so it's up to you
I don't know...
well it's up to you
whatever you want
no baby it's all up to you whatever makes you comfortable
I'm fine with anything
I just want you to be comfortable
I'm okay.
but your not great....
:( .....
I don't want you to be okay I want you to be great and happy again and if that means we can't be together then okay bc I would do anything for you to be happy
I'm okay, Wes. you make me happy
okay babe
you should post more pictures of your beautiful face
hmmm. I'll think about it.