Collab with…
the amazing @preppyxemma! She did the incredible text and I did the background! This is our second collab, this time we tried something preppy! I love working with you, Emma! ❤️


Collab with… the amazing @preppyxemma! She did the incredible text and I did the background! This is our second collab, this time we tried something preppy! I love working with you, Emma! ❤️

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tysm this is as well
i am good hbu
loved collabing with you!
tysm for the spam
i’ll probably be staying in the country
until the end of summer when i am moving for college
i’m gonna have a summer job but i’m excited about that
this is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Same!!! Taylor Swift is like the best, right?!
Chloe! I am doing great as it seems, school is ending soon!🩷
and maybe 3 hours later? I am practicing my clarinet🍄
omggg twin!
your one away from 300!
you deserve it sm!
also we’re online at the same time again😭
and it was good! I had basketball clinic for 2 hours very EARLY in the morning😭😂
it was hard getting yo to go but it’s making me such better at basketball!
the girls there are also so sweet!
yep! what about yours?
I’ve played since I was 4 😅
I’ve only played church basketball but this year I’m trying to make a more competitive/school team!
ah cool! yes here it’s summertime now so schools out!
we don’t have school again until mid to late August!
yes it is a long time haha
thanks sm! I’m trying to get better so I can make the team 😅😂
oh cool! is it summer there?
oh nice! yea here it gets around 100 degrees everyday😅
awh thanjs sm! I really hope I do!
awhhh why do you think he likes another girl?
nooo it’s totally relatable! and it’s not weird!
ah no 😭 maybe she is trying to start a false rumor?
I think you should tell him anyways, he will probably like you back!
when you go back to school after your break/holiday, just go be friendly to him, maybe develop a friendship and then tell him your feelings?
ok! good luck to you!! I know he will like you back😅💗
ofc twin!😅😍🙈
hey well rn i live in korea, wbu?
how are you doing
sorry for the late response
i’m doing good btw 🤍
Omg yes I love bullet journaling! I should definitely post June's layout on my extras 🙊
again on at the same time
I’m about to go to bed as here it is 1 am 😅
I’m up late haha
well it’s the weekend so 😭😅
welp I’m gonna go to bed! have a good day (I’m assuming it’s day time there haha)
yea haha! 😭💗 bye, talk to you in my morning and your night 😅
thank you!
Tysm! This is too ❤
omg this is so good!• -•
hey this is pretty 🤩
amazing work both of you<3
plz follow me everyone my goal is 1,000 followers this year!!!!!!!!