I dont know what to do anymore! I hate living!


I dont know what to do anymore! I hate living! -matthew

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no m it's ok *hugs tightly* it's gonna be ok
*cries* no its not! everythigns just gonna go to s***!
no it's not m come here *hugs* it's gonna be ok I'm here for you
*hugs tightly and cries harder* i just dint wanna love anymore....i hate it
I know the feeling but you will feel better soon just hang in here with me *hugs and tears up*
hey Matthew I know it's hard, and I know you wanna die right now, but it will all be okay, I know you probably don't wanna talk about it, but I'm here if you do
i dint wanna hang in there! i just wanna die! everything hurts and i want it to stop! but it wont! *criess harder and falls to knees*
*picks you up* you have to stay with me... I need you
i cant though.....i just cant....it hurts too much *keeps crying uncontrollably *
please stay I really need you *crys harder*
Matthew, you just gotta get through it. I know it's hard. I've been through it.hèll I'm going through it, but you can do it. I know how hard it is, but you got this
m if you're going down I'm going down with you I need you *cries harder*
you should be living that is why God put u on this earth
im atehist
I feel ya m
Nyo! Don't think like that!
do you need a hug