Effie from hunger games


Effie from hunger games

21 5
I posted a voting thing on my page to help us decide on a design... you can vote if you want too!
check out the new things I posted.. which edit, including urs, do you like best so far?
ok, can you add all our names, me you and accio_firebolt and submit it? I really like urs and if you think urs is best, we can do that.
if you want me to do diff fonts but with this pic that is good too, just let me know soon so we can submit it...
how's that? if you don't like it we can just use urs, i don't really care..
I like it
it's cute
but you should do this
I like this one
oh ok, same fonts?
I just got home from school, sorry...
we should choose soon...
the first one
do you go to middle of elementry
at this point, I think we should just put that on ag011 page and be done with it... I think it looks really good, do you agree?