Shoutout she is close to 100 go follow her please


Shoutout she is close to 100 go follow her please

13 0
np ur awesome just like ur sister
ok I wish I could me u and ur sis in person
yay I'm glad ur boyfriend texted u back
u guys seem really nice
hey bestie
hi bestie sorry I fell asleep
good morning
hi , how are u
good u
I'm ok but I'm little sad
y u sad and I'm waiting till 6:10 am to go out for bus
wodering why my hatepage hate me so much
it's a he
oh I blocked him
he is not using correct grammar at all
what is he saying
that I'm fat
I need to die
I just think it's 🙄🙄🙄
he is dumb
block him
I know
then he said I will killed u
u need to block him
like 🙄🙄🙄🙄 grammar plz
just block him
he bullying everyone which is not right