Ask me anything you want! I won't answer it if it is too personal, though.


Ask me anything you want! I won't answer it if it is too personal, though.

60 2
how old are you? and what is your fav colour?
aww thanks girl!💕
Sorry, but I'm not going to reveal my age; however my favorite color is blue.
ok so that was too personal I'm so sorry but I love the color blue too!
What is your favorite movie?
Gosh. I don't really know. Of course I like the Harry Potter movies, but I don't necessarily have a specific favorite. I guess if I had to say it would probably Fantastic Beasts.
First of all how are you doing? Second favorite flavor? As in would you choose cherry or blue raspberry or etc...
I don't even know how I came up with that question lol
I'm doing lovely. Thank you for asking. My second favorite flavor would probably be blue raspberry (first being green apple).
contest on my page
What is your favorite animal, and where in the world would you go if you had the chance?
My favorite animal is a turtle and I would like to visit Paris if given the chance.
My major fandoms are Harry Potter, Legend, and Hamilton (minor are Percy Jackson, Hunger Games and Divergent). My inspiration, of course, is Emma Watson because of her being a major feminist but I also like JK Rowling for her charity Lumos. I would probably eat the porcupine just because if I take small bites maybe it won't hurt as much?
what is your favourite thing about piccollage?if all your collages were gonna be deleted and u could only save one which one would u save?
I love the kind Pic Collage community. If my collages were to be deleted, I would probably save the one that'll I will put in the remixes.