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there are certain words that you can’t comment that are deemed “inappropriate” by the pc team that really aren’t. you don’t know HOW many times I’ve typed up a huge comment and then when i hit “send” guess what pops up? “oops an error happened!” aka what I typed was “inappropriate” when it was totally normal. you probably shouldn’t be able to comment swear words, or sé x u al words or anything like that. but some normal words make the entire comment inappropriate and that’s messed up. at the very least, they could tell you which word you typed they thought was inappropriate so you wouldn’t have to restart the entire comment again.
one time I typed TV and it said it was inappropriate
I also don’t like the fact that I have to get out of the comment section to refresh it. it should just automatically refresh it. they should also add a reply feature so you don’t have to go between accounts to have a simple conversation
^oh my god yes that’s so annoying.
I don’t know if this is still an issue for android users because I’m an iOS user but COMMENTS FOR ANDROIDS
^^ we commented the same thing at the same time😂
@EpicFish: AGREED
^ omg yes I have a tablet and I can’t even use it for PC! it’s so annoying!
private chat!!!!
AND @-shiningmoon-
What everyone else said but I wish we had Private chats and DMS
i mean reply's lol
and so we can be like @usersname and it would notify them
username reply’s, comments on android, quick refreshing so you don’t have to go out of the comments for it to refresh, a private chat option (like a button)