Am I going to do this to myself oml next week this account will only be anime stuff


Am I going to do this to myself oml next week this account will only be anime stuff

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Ouran High School Host Club is a good first time anime
Sword Art Online is a good first anime, not the best anime but it's good to ease you in to it
ok so sword art online it's only one season nice
is anime in English
or do you need subtitles
it seems v gay I'll probably do that
angel beats huh I've never heard of it
I remember my friend saying she hated the snot out of ouran high school or whatever so that's why I'm not commenting on it
Ouran High School Host Club is gr8. I personally like the dub but some people dont so i suggest you try both. Yuri on ice is amazing too.
black butler
ok so no sword yes high school watch sub and yes yuri and black butler cool cool i know d&p didnt like black butler but eh I'll try
ooo you should try Your Lie in April
I recommend erased. It's my all time favorite anime. Also yuri on ice is vv good. If you're looking for a movie, I recommend When Marine Was There
oooh neato ok I'll try to watch at least the first episode of all of these this weekend
death note
yuri on ice
oh and Ouran highschool hostclub
ahhh ok
I've heard something about; Flip Flappers. it sounds pretty stupid but I saw it and it's pretty interesting
Death Parade (Psychological) Future Diary (Action/Adventure) Erased (Psychological/Fantasy) Yuri On Ice (Just cause it's hella gay and it's great)
If you get interested in manga, I suggest Silent Voice and Tokyo Ghoul. There are some anime films, I suggest some made by Studio Ghibli, and ALSO Boy and the Beast, Anthem of the Heart, and Your Name
ooh neat thanks
Fruits Basket
isn't that the one about the sweet lil girl awww
*cracks knuckles* Alright so Seven Deadly Sins is trash. For just easing into anime I'd recommend Fullmetal Alchemist OR Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. they are two separate series based off of the same manga but Brotherhood is more accurate. There's also Ouran Highschool Host Club, which don't be fooled by the name is incredibly funny and a great commentary in gender roles. A really good sci-fi time travel series is Steins;Gate. Also time travel, Erased (a personal fave). The Daily Lives of High School Boys is absolutely hilarious. Michiko and Hatchin is a really cool anime set in a fictional Latin America country if you're not interested in the typical Japanese high school animes. Literally anything made by Studio Ghibli. There's also a really short series and a short film called She and Her cat. Garden of Words is pretty good and the animation is fantastic. I like Princess Jellyfish, which isn't about princesses but about nerds and crossdressers. Wandering Son will make you cry, it's about a young trans girl and the art style is really unique. The Devil is a Part-Timer is pretty funny. That's all I can think of at the top of my head.
btw I failed I finished season 9 of spn instead oops