And now you know why


And now you know why

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I have depression to and I also think of suicide but don't do it everybody here loafs you. that is more that's 1000 people giving loaf. embrace the loaf plz we loaf you so much
no don't it's not worth it u still have so much more to live for!Like anime u bring so much joy to my face when I see u made a new college
why have you held on to life his long and want to let it go? there is no point, these words have kept me going for so long
u are beautiful on the inside and out nobody's perfect and I'm not trying to be weird or any thing but life is a game and u have to live to win
we 🍞 you!!!!
keep going never give up even when times get tough
we must spread the loaf to anime please anime we loaf you and you have so much to live for... if you want the pain to go away I will give you as many coping resources I can. an online hug *hugs hugs hugs hugs* and very much loaf. take the loaf! take it! it's loaf....!
Suicide is never the answer. You are strong, you can make it though the night, just hug your pillow tighter.