Collage by Me_4life


25 3
Hi! So, what theme do you want to do?
Yeah! I like the sound of that, what song?
I really like Selena Gomez, but we can do whoever, I like a lot of different ones
what about you?
yep sure
I'll start it in a bit
Np! Imma make it themed on one of her songs called Wolves because I think it will be the easiest one to do. When ur doing the texts can u do the lyrics to the songs and maybe a quote? Or just do what u want lol
Hey, so I'm done the bg, when ur doing the texts, can u also write mine and urs usernames?
Omg i love it sm! It was so fun making this collab with u, hope in the future we can do it again. Also imma post it on frieday because friday is my collab day
aw tyyy
ooh the black and gold combi
ahh I’m so sorry! I forgot that this was a chat page