Who Do I Remind You Of?


Who Do I Remind You Of?

87 14
Haruhi Fujioka💞
Lol it's ok isn't that the idea of this?
Besides I take being compared to Haruhi as a compliment
lol EVERYONE was saying I was Honey-senpai literally EVERYONE😂
Tbh, I think im more like Kofuku from Noragami but whatevs
Either way that means people think you're cute and sweet
Yato and hiyori's perfect love child
you got Yatos good looks and artistic skills and hiyori's caring nature
Aw thanks
Well.. I guess you Got Yatos Good Looks and historic
I'm not taking requests at the moment, sorry :(
hmm...maybe a mix of Yato and Hary
Yea I saw. Thanks for letting me know
don't worry about that jerk they're just jealous of you
Thanks girl 😘
no prob plus it's free publicity if they really hated you they wouldn't waste their time on you like seriously I don't understand hate pages the hater goes "oh I hate you I hate you so much that I'm gonna sit here and talk about you like all the time and post stuff about you and I'm dumb for thinking that this'll affect people but I'm already and idiot"
Yea I see what you mean
like honestly..... do they really think this is doing anything besides being a drama queen
A major one
hey I'm sorry u have that hate page I really hope soon the person stops hating on u
Thanks. I hope they can just move on with their lives and stop wasting their time on me. I have people I don't particularly care for, but I don't go so far as to make a hate page. Oh well. What's done is done :T
I really appreciate that thank you ☺️ I'm ok. Their opinion is irrelevant to me. They can say what they want but I know I have people that care about me and that's all that really matters. Thanks again
Hope you're okey 💕 Nobody deserves hate 😪❤️ So your hatepage better back off! If you need to talk I'm here💕 And don't listen to them haters 💜 They don't even deserve your attention 💙 You're an amazing person 💛 Don't let them hurt you! 😘
Thank you to the both of you! You guys are all so sweet ☺️ I'm ok I can take the heat. I'm honestly clueless as to what has this person's panties in a bunch tho 😕
☺️💕If you ever need to talk I'm here
Thank you I'll keep that in mind!
Lol don't worry I remember and thank you
Lol ik you're good. Yea. Their opinion doesn't matter to me I have people who care about me and it's just an account laced with lies. I'm tougher than I look 😉
*hugs back*
I FEEL BAD FOR U your hate page she is calling u name and your actually beautiful I know all those are lies probably the person doing that account is a thot😒anyways ppl are there for uuuu and I am toooo
Thank you that's very considerate ^_^
Lol a thot indeed
Hi, friend! 💚 Did you have a good day, today? c:
Yea it just got better too. I've made all A's so far on my semester exams INCLUDING general Papers. I feel like there's something seriously wrong there but whatever I'm so happy :D Also my friend's coming over after dinner
Thanks for asking 😊 How has your day been?
that dumb hater! I already blocked her because obviously she has no common sense
lol yea she obviously has a huge stick up her äss. I'm sorry you had to deal with that
Congrats! And I had an awesome day. ^_^ It's surprisingly cold right now. :P
Honey, I'm so sorry about that stupid hate-page. you don't deserve that.
You're a great person. So don't let attention whöres try to ruin you. ^^
Thanks. Idk what their problem is but I'm ok 👍🏼
I'm glad you're okay. And to be honest Hon, they're violating your privacy. But you are freaking beautiful, I just wanna let you know that. ^^
*EMBRACES* Rima'll be here for yu.
Yea I feel more violated than hurt. And thank you ☺️ *hugs you back*
*Nuzzles* I'll be here for you, Hon.
And you're very welcome.
Thanks again 😊
No problem.
btw our texting isn't working it won't let me send and I don't get anythin from you