Okay, so I tried posting this two days ago and it didn't post for some reason?? And I'm only realizing this now?? So yeah, here's this collage😃😅


Okay, so I tried posting this two days ago and it didn't post for some reason?? And I'm only realizing this now?? So yeah, here's this collage😃😅

47 1
goddàmñit I think I deleted my main account
pHEw it let me in
I was actually terrified
I was like no my eDiTs then I was like no my fOlloWerS then I went nO my coMmEntS and then I went no my FRIENDS
stages of panicking
i think it's because I finally verified my email after like a year and then I logged out
pRoBabLy shouldn't do that
omg my account is growing so fast I'm scared
I've got 25 followers in like 48 hours 😱
I think it'll stop growing so fast soon though 😂
love this 💜👌🏼
Lol it's weird, my irl friends know me better and know my favourite things and inside jokes and stuff but you guys know a lot more about what goes on inside my head as a feel more comfortable telling you. I think it's really positive to have people you can talk to about anything which is why the internet (especially pc and hardly anyone irl uses it) they all have it for school but no one has an active account. I think that both online and irl friends are equally valid friendships, just valid for different reasons 💕
And thank you ❤️😁
anyway I’m gonna go read 13 reasons why because I’ve been waiting for ages... I’ve watched enough edits on YouTube of it and I really want to know the story but we don’t have Netflix urgh 😂
ooh also I’m back cuz I thought, wouldn’t it be amazing if there were people who were a perfect merge of people you talk to online and how your irl friends are that would be amazing because they could know enough about us to keep us safe. Like if someone messaged their person saying they’re about to commit suicide then they could come to their house and stop but we can’t do that and irl friends cant because they don’t know 😶😶I’ll go back to reading my minds racing lol
yeh it’s really good and I think my brother has that book so I might give it a try
re/also yeah, I’m glad you try to join things up. I tried to hint to my friends but the just WEREN’T GETTING IT LITERALLY I DON’T KNOW HOW I COULD’VE BEEN MORE OBVIOUS I LITERALLY SAID, YEAH I REALLY EMPATHISE AND UNDERSTAND AND GET WHAT IT’S LIKE TO HAVE DEPRESSION AND STUFF LIKE THAT AND THEY JUST IGNORED IT LIKE JEEZ I’M cRyInG fOr hElP 😂. I’m pretty sure the reason they don’t really pay much attention is because they don’t know what it is and why it’s bad and things like that. My friends thought anorexia was just about being fat and just about being sad and they still don’t get that it’s a lot more than that 🤦‍♀️ like L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y
Thank you❤️ I’m so glad that it gives you hope, I figure I had 2 options, be bitter, or use the experiences to better myself and connect with people. It’s led me to make a lot of friends so I don’t resent it💕
yeah.i have a huge wound
no, it's not annoying. lmaô
yep.and I’m not ok.
I’ll be fine.
Please check out my acc. to suggest people and check out my recents for kindness collages. THIS SOUND VERY BAD IM SOO SORRY BUT PLEASE DO THIS IF YOY DONT MIND xx Sanjana
your profanity is excused 😂
and aw thanks I try 😊💕
no problem
that's good
Turn the English (United States) subtitles on on Logan’s apology video
Thank you, i’m glad you like it💕
wanna be friends?
that’s how I feel
His apology seems genuine but it’s still not enough for what he did
Also, even if his intentions were good (I think he was trying to raise awareness or something) the way he did it wasn’t right. Also, he had hours to realise it wasn’t okay... I’ve lost respect for him but I don’t comment with like ‘go kys urgh’ and stuff because that’s just negative 😔💕
YouTube needs to do something and quick because the way the community is dealing with it isn’t right, there are people being extremely rude and hypocritical and telling him to go hand himself and things, there’s also a comment that said ‘just a white guy being white’ which people replied to as racist and then someone said you can’t be racist to white people?! there’s also his fans defending him which he specifically said not to do-they’re mostly kids and the amount of hate that they’re getting isn’t safe for them so yt needs to step up and disable comments or something idk
yepitty yep yep
I am uSleSs why would she break up with me if I wasn’t
they are all long stories....
nah, I'm just too lazy to type em.
it's because of a boy.. and some more reasons.
there are two boys. one of them hurt me and the other one just left....
but I still love one of them.....
t one who left me.
Hey! Thanks so much! I got this idea from a bunch of other people, and also you! :) 😄
Hello I’m trying to spread positivity because pic collage needs it at the moment 💕
yes, yes, yes, yes.
idk. I just.... it's weird. I... I just can't stop loving him. it's emotions. idk. I just... ugh.
how? he left.
Thank you 💕
How’s your day going :)
My days going well 💕
Thank you ❤️
yEs I ammmm
he left
oOf yay new friends
I hAvE to Go my friends are here yay popcorn
his friend is on here but he's so clueless about everything.
thx I am so happy and my mate just made me laugh even more on pic collage 😂
I love that movie too. It was really good
okay tabi there’s more of my irl friends on pic collage now-they think i’m happy about it but i hate it and i’m getting anxiety that they’ll find my main, their users are @thevolcanowithin @xxDoYouxx @xspringmayx and @Illusionqueen and the account they know about is @myatlantis and im v scared idk what to do, i’ve blocked them but they can easily log out. also i like how pc is not about likes and followers but they keep asking on our group chat for people to like their posts and ugh
also pc is MY THING XD