Grace please message me


Grace please message me

28 4
1 no more I promise please email me baby
please don't ignore me I'm don't with flirting with girls I'm loyal to u now!
oh you don't flirt with girls you were flirting with me yesterday
now sure I send me a pic of u and we all know it's not u
he was flirting with me yesterday
I'm done flirting with them I'm with u baby
πŸ”’πŸ”’πŸ”’πŸ”’πŸ”’it's locked baby when will u be up again and I might not be up when u go to sleep
k I will
it's made
r u there
which do u love more
I think I could answer that.
what do u think
wow I can't believe you're cheating on your girlfriend
no I'm not *ammit
alex u are a cheater