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Jermey: How do I tell Mikey that I like him?
Brooke: alright, pretend that I'm Michael. * obnoxiously yells * I'm a borderline hippie weirdo! ok, what do you say???
Jermey: I usually flop onto him and he start laughing or I start making white jokes about myself.
Brooke: I know that, but how would you confess your unconditional gay love to him...?!
Jermey: I'd probably kiss him, but he would think that's normal.
Brooke: like, on the mouth?
Jermey: It's not like I haven't.
Brooke: Yeah...well, step it up a notch, tongue kiss him.
Jermey: WHAT?!
Brooke: it's not that hard to thrust your tongue into someone's mouth, trust me.