dun dun DUN!! No surprise....


dun dun DUN!! No surprise....

25 1
same thi
hmm lets entertain ourselves how r u
hello! and I'm good
that's good :33 Hows school? is it hard?
well as a junior so far it's not going that bad
Oooh that's cool ur a junior in hiGHSCHOOL WOW I'm only in eighth grade
wow! your gonna be a freshmen next year! you excited?
yeA kinDa I mean I don't want to grow up tho but u have to plUs I'll be old enough to drive soon riGHT
well...when you get to be my age...it's alittle hard to want to drive heh heh...I don't have a perment yet
really?? how good are u or have u even started trying yet
slightly...I held the steering wheel on open road in the passengers seat...it's was kinda hard but I slightly did it...
yayyyy ur getting there!! I BELIEVE IN U
thank you XD
once u get a car what's the first place you'd drive to (tbh I'd go to Taco Bell)
hm...my friends house
hmm I haven't been to a Taco Bell in a while actually
the taco bells here are not that good 😅
really?? the taco bells here are gr8 they got hot food and everything's spicy and the Mountain Dew things are really good :33 what's wrong with ur taco bells
meat is fake...gross sauces...
oh no that's disgusting :( I'm sorry for ur gross tacos
it's ok...
have u ever had shawarma
I....don't think so
it's basically a Greek burrito hhhh it's not like Taco Bell burritos the meat is like more together
I'm actually getting hungry oops
I'm good...I just had popcorn
aw what what time is it where u are
oh wow it's 10:49 rn haha ((so late))
XD...well now it's 11:08pm